Manuels 40th Anniversary
In celebration of MANUEL’S 40th anniversary, we encouraged our patrons to send us their favorite MANUEL’S memory or story!
Below are some of the stories people sent in – in their own words, about what the restaurant means to them.

Emilia H. – 472 Votes
Spoiler: I’m going to tell you about a date but it ends badly for the guy and with me falling...

Enrique G. – 49 Votes
We love Manuel’s!!. Manuel’s hasbeen.our favirite Mexican Restaurant for 24 years. Manuel’s is authentic Mexican cuisine and made their dishes...
Francesca Q. – 166 Votes
When I first set foot in the downtown Manuel’s on a cold and wet November evening in 1994, I was...

Gail A. – 29 Votes
We traveled all the way from Kentucky to Texas to get to Manuels’s wonderful food and wonderful drinks. It was...
Gary W. – 13 Votes
Manuel’s sponsored our community wholeness marathon training organization, TEAM FX, for 8 years, benefiting local children removed from life-threatening abuse,...
Glenda C. – 0 Votes
I am not a writer, but I couldn’t let this occasion pass by without congratulating Manuel’s on an amazing 40...
Harry L. – 28 Votes
Going to Manuel’s for Mexican food is a fun place to eat with our friends and family members, and drinks...

Heather S. – 30 Votes
I helped open the Jollyville location late 1998 after graduating from UT, and trained at the downtown location. I’ve never...
J J. – 47 Votes
I have such fond memories of Manuel’s happy hour pre-pandemic and miss it so much. My family of 4 with...