Manuels 40th Anniversary
In celebration of MANUEL’S 40th anniversary, we encouraged our patrons to send us their favorite MANUEL’S memory or story!
Below are some of the stories people sent in – in their own words, about what the restaurant means to them.
Pam I. – 155 Votes
It started with a Happy Hour Date. We chose Manuels at the Arboretum location. We were both a fan of...
Pamela D. – 51 Votes
Manuels has been a godsend since I have moved to Austin. I found out about Manuels from my neighbor across...
Patricia G. – 37 Votes
Manuel’s is the perfect place to meet up with my best friend, eat a delicious ceviche, their traditional mole enchiladas...
Paul T. – 5 Votes
Our three Granddaughters are 16, 17 & 18. When they were 3,4& 5 we would take them to your restaurant...
Perri B. – 50 Votes
My large family has spent so many wonderful times feasting over delicious meals at Manuels over the years!! We started...
Poppy G. – 50 Votes
I absolutey adore both Jennifer & Greg. Nothing but the very best staff with their small & large plates. I...
Rachel E. – 23 Votes
I call it my 3000 Mile Manuel’s Margarita. For years, it’s been the 90 day or every 3000 mile ritual...
Rachel M. – 48 Votes
My favorite Manuel story is when I saw Will Ferrel at the Manuel’s on congress. I love your restaurant, especially...
Renee I. – 236 Votes
Manuels is more than just a restaurant to us. Jay, a native Austinite, dined at Manuels with his family growing...
Rey P. – 44 Votes
Unfortunately, I don’t have one story about Manuel’s. I have more than I can count. I’ve been enjoying Manuel’s for...
Richard H. – 583 Votes
Several years ago a young cancer patient of mine gave me a Manuel’s Gift card. My wife and I started...